Friday, March 27, 2009

what rock have we been hiding under?

baby rock.  it's crazy how a baby turns your world inside-out... as in, the inside of my brain hardly knows what is happening outside in the world.  yesterday, due to a posting by a friend, i just realized the next harry potter film is coming out in july.  anyone interested in babysitting?  not a big deal, but the rest of the world has probably known this for some time.  today, due to some long-overdue myspacing, i realized that some friends may have moved to the mainland from our much-missed island home.  anything else that i've missed?


Ranielle said...

If all else fails, I'll come visit in July. Meet Kaimana and offer my babysitting services so's you guys can catch HARRY POTTER. ;) (Though, not opening weekend, as the film comes out on Akasha's birthday and she has already demanded we go see it then.)

team klaja said...

indeed. a proper birthday demand.