Friday, April 30, 2010

easter slideshow.

i realize it's almost a month since easter, but here's the slideshow anyway!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

little mynah.

kaimana has come to a great realization. the realization that he can attempt to say anything and everything anyone else says. which creates fairly constant toddler chatter. a few of his words are clear, many more i can understand because i hear him say them all the time, and still many more need much development. everyday a few words move up a category, and i can't believe what that means. what will he sound like in another week, month, season?

his new favorite thing to talk about is "people". he sees and hears them almost everywhere. today there were "pee-po" in the "tore". "a-my-mur" to be exact. that is, there were people in the store, fred meyer. also "pee-po" are "nunny". people are funny. this is what he says whenever he hears someone laughing.

his love for letters is now extending beyond his toys and he's starting to point out letters on signs and buildings. as well as shapes and colors. when we visit the zoo, i try to point out the animals but he's more interested in looking at the "ine", the signs, and standing on the "kir-kle", the circles. also known to adults as storm drains.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

what a day.

we had a late night last night. kaimana didn't get to bed until around 10:30. then, possibly due to teething, he was up from 2:30-4. i was hoping this would mean he might sleep in a bit, but sadly, no. we were up at 7. who was i kidding?
later in the morning, he took a black crayon to the kitchen floor, and decided to try to climb over the back of his folding chair. luckily, i caught him at the attempt, but he continued to run around like a crazy boy until we took a walk to the grocery store.
after his nap, he decided it was best to disassemble and demolish his sandwich i had made for his lunch. all he wanted were grapes and strawberries. after lunch, while i was repairing a toy he had stepped on, he found the paperback i've been reading and ripped off the cover.
a little later, he got a time-out in his crib for kicking mama after being asked repeatedly not to. when he was allowed to get back out of his crib, he did some crazy move in his doorway and hit his head on the doorjamb. as i was consoling him, he decided to show me what had just happened by pointing to the doorjamb and hitting his head on it again, a little more gently this time.
he was however extremely cute dancing his arms around while we watched a few minutes of michael jackson dancing in 'this is it'.
and there were several moments when he threw his arms around my neck and puckered up to give me a kiss.
he held a little daisy in his hand the entire walk to the grocery store, through the aisles of the grocery store, and only let go when he fell asleep in the stroller on the way home.
he sat relatively still in his highchair while i gave him a haircut. trying his best to say 'haircut' through the whole process.
he picked out his own jammies from his drawer, and helped me put them on him.

guess i better get to bed in case tomorrow is another day like this one.