Wednesday, January 5, 2011


what a year.
and now 2011 finds us:

getting ready to return to apartment life... we moved out in july expecting to move into a boat when zach returned from alaska. but, unfortunately, the banks were not on our side. we visited several, and some wouldn't finance the particular boat we were interested in and others wouldn't finance us (though our credit's great and we have ample savings, we have no history with this type or size of loan). though we're disappointed that we feel like we're not moving forward, we're also excited to return to seattle and begin preparing for baby to arrive. which brings us to...

getting ready for baby to arrive. it's weird this time around for us, because being the parents of a two year-old definitely takes most of our attention. so i now find myself at almost 7 months wondering how i got here so soon. and i now only have 2 months left to get used to the idea of an infant... and to try to start pre-adjusting kaimana to the idea. like trying to really get him on a scheduled naptime. like attempting potty-training. like getting him to not wake up and come climb into bed with us in the middle of the night (which will be easier when he's in his own room again). to name a few.

still thinking about boats. though it's not our next move, it IS still on the radar. zach of course is always on the hunt, and in 6-9 months or so, who knows? what we are now trying to decide, based on our difficulties with banks, is do we compromise on the boat in order to be able to get into something at all (one bank has approved us, but has somewhat strict guidelines on what boats they will give financing for), or do we hold out? more on that to come i suppose.

1 comment:

Sara-Smile said...

hold out. when you get what you want, it'll be well worth the wait. :) we just gotta make sure it has a bed for auntie sara so i can cruise around the world with ya..... hahaha!